Effective December 16, 2021


It is the goal and intent of the Waterville Estates Village District (hereinafter District) to provide timely and effective winter maintenance, snow removal and ice control on the District’s roadways for the safety and benefit of the District’s residents and general motoring public.


The objective stated above will be achieved and executed by the procedures and tasks outlined in this Snow Removal and Ice Control Policy. Due to the many variables in New England Weather each storm or weather event may require a slightly different effort on determining the overall winter snow removal and ice control strategy.


It is not possible to maintain a black or ice-free surface during storm events. It is the intention of the District to provide as safe as practical travel during the storm event given the conditions at the time.


The plow routes are designed so that each route can be covered in four hours or less. With this in mind, if the truck starts plowing with two inches on the ground by the time the truck finishes its route three or four hours  later there is the potential for up to six to eight inches of snow back at the start of the route. The first priority, depending on the storm event, is to keep the roads in the best possible condition during travel hours and to maintain the most traveled roads during commuting and school bus hours.  While the general policy is to do an order for the greatest good for the greatest number, it is understood some streets are prioritized on the basis of the difficulty that will be incurred if they are not done early.


Freezing rainstorms are the biggest challenge. During a freezing rainstorm salt and sand have very little affect. There is very little the District Highway Department can do to change road conditions during freezing rainstorms.


Direction of all winter maintenance activities for the District  is vested  with the Highway Supervisor or his/her designee.


The Policy outlined above is intended to serve as a normal operating guideline for winter maintenance, snow removal and ice control for the District. One or more of the following may delay or prevent the implementation of this policy:

  • Equipment breakdown
  • Snow accumulation in excess of one inch per hour
  • Freezing rain or other icing conditions
  • Emergencies
  • Personnel illness


The  District has a no parking ordinance from November 15 to April 30. During these months, maintenance crews require unobstructed snow removal and ice control routes to maintain the maximum effectiveness of their efforts. Vehicles obstructing snow and ice removal operations will be towed at the direction of the Police Department.


The  District is not responsible for damage to private property that islocated within the right-of-way which normally is 10 feet from the travelled surface.


The State law forbids snow being plowed, shoveled, blown or placed onto a road or across the road to the opposite side. This policy applies that requirement to all District Roads.  The Police Department will do enforcement.


As determined by the Highway Supervisor, the snow banks resulting from previous storm accumulations shall be pushed back or shelved to make space for future snowstorms.