The Board of Directors would like to share that the vote to increase the Capital Improvement Fund Fee to incoming buyers and new home builders passed by an affirmative vote of 77.8%.  This vote will enable the Board to further improve and upgrade our facilities. Thank you to all of the owners who shared who helped this vote pass.

Ballot Summary

  • Total Ballots Issued: 612
    • Total Cast: 325  (53.1% participation ratio)
      • Yes: 253   (77.8%)
      • No:     72   (22.2%)

Approved Increase Schedule

The Waterville Estates Association Members approved the following tiered increase to home real estate purchases and new home construction applications over the following four years as follows:

  • 2025 – a $500 increase effective January 1, 2025
    • existing home real estate transactions – fee increase from $2,000 to $2,500
    • new construction building applications – fee increase from $1,000 to $1,500
  • 2026 – a $500 increase effective January 1, 2026
    • existing home real estate transactions – fee increase from $2,500 to $3,000
    • new construction building applications – fee increase from $1,500 to $2,000
  • 2028 – a $500 increase effective January 1, 2028
    • existing home real estate transactions – fee increase from $3,000 to $3,500
    • new construction building applications – fee increase from $2,000 to $2,500

For additional information about CIF, visit the Capital Improvement Fund page.