TownSq Online Portal
TownSq registration using your Account ID and Zip Code on a desktop or laptop computer. You must register via the website first, before using the TownSq app.
- Account ID: [123456789-01]
- Community Zip Code: [03223 (Campton) or 03285 (Thornton)]
Once registered, you can log in at and/or download the app to your smart phone or tablet.
Account ID
Your Evergreen Account ID is a 9 digit number found on the Evergreen introduction letter on page 2, section 4 in your Welcome Packet. It can also be found on an Evergreen billing statement or by calling the front desk at 603-726-3082.
Note: If you have more than one account, you will be able to link them and have a single login.
- Online Payments: Make payments online (convenience fees do apply); one-time or setup reoccurring payments,
- Pass Purchase: purchase your passes right away. Form and policy can be found under Documents, Pass Policy and Form,
- Account History & Balance Information: You can access your account history and balance information by clicking on the Account Information option,
- Association Documents: Owners have access to financial reports, condominium documents and any other posted condominium information that you may need at your fingertips
- Announcements: View Association announcements for important information, happenings and events.
- WEA Online Assistance: Submit a Request for assistance on Association matters such as: dues billing, access passes, compliance, building committee, or any Association general question. If your request for assistance is for water, roads or Commissioner related, please reach out to the Village District.
- Socialize with Your Neighbors: Communicate with your neighbors within the community on a secure platform,
- Account Setup: Add household Occupants, set preferred name and privacy settings.
- Notifications: Customize push notifications when new information is posted.
- Online Help: Look for online help under Documents, TownSq Owner Guides
Help Guides

TownSq – Set Up Autopay Homeowner
TownSq – Service Request Homeowner
TownSq – Opt In Out Preferences Homeowner
TownSq – Make a Payment Homeowner
TownSq – Linking Multiple Homeowner Accounts
TownSq – Inviting a Family Member or Tenant Homeowner
TownSq – Deleting a Family Member or Tenant Homeowner
TownSq – Documents Overview (how to filter and find documents)