Propane Discount Program

Propane Discount Program A propane discount program is negotiated each year with Amerigas by our General Manager. 2024-25 – $1.99 per gallon (till May 2025) 2023-24 – $1.94 per gallon (till May 2024) 2022-23 – $2.29 per gallon 2021-22 – $1.45 per gallon...

Trail Work Day 10/26 – cancelled

*** cancelled *** The next Trail Work Day is on Saturday 10/26.  We’ll be meeting at the upper pond parking area across from the Community Center at 8:30am and usually wrap-up by 11:30ish. Work gloves, boots and outdoor clothing recommended. Ticks and flying bugs...

Front Desk check-in notice

Reminder to Owners from the WEA Board: When checking in at the Front Desk, please do not offer to cover the daily pass fees of strangers. This may seem like a simple generous act, but we rely on daily pass fees to help cover our costs of recreation. Any revenue loss...

CIF Increase – Voting Results

The Board of Directors would like to share that the vote to increase the Capital Improvement Fund Fee to incoming buyers and new home builders passed by an affirmative vote of 77.8%.  This vote will enable the Board to further improve and upgrade our facilities. Thank...