Best Practices
Black Bears
WvE is surrounded by the White Mountain National Forest, therefore black bears often venture into our community looking for easy meals, especially in the spring. All trash must be kept in a bear proof (metal) container out of sight from the road or stored inside a secure building. Bears have been known to pull shed doors apart, open car doors, pull down bird feeders and attack a BBQ grill. Please keep the bears safe by keeping them in the forest, not roaming our community for that easy meal. “A fed bear is a dead bear”-US Forest Service. For additional information about black bears in New Hampshire, NH Fish & Game – black bears.
Mountain Community Living
Waterville Estates is known as a mountain community. Our homes are nestled in the trees and surrounded by the White Mountain National Forest. Please respect the natural world and everyone’s desire to experience and enjoy it.
Outdoor Lighting
Try to minimize light pollution by cutting your outdoor light output with reduced lux/lumen bulbs, using timers and motion sensors to control on/off cycles. The night sky can be an amazing star show, with even an occasional aurora borealis display, but too much ambient light can spoil the show. For additional information about outdoor light pollution, check out
Try to stick to natural landscaping techniques like using only native trees and schrubs, minimize lawn space by using wild flowers and underbrush. Relaxing on your deck or porch or at your fire pit is much more enjoyable than having to use or hear a lawn mower or weedwacker. By the way, arborvitae trees are a deers preferred snack in late winter, white or red cedar are a much better option for low height buffer trees. For additional information about native landscaping, check out UNH Extension Forests-Trees and Yard-Garden. The fireflies will love you for it.
Be dog friendly by picking up after your pet and keep your dogs in control at all times, either on a leash or under command. If your dog is known to bark when outside, please don’t leave them out when you’re away…it’s a drag to hear them upset all day.